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  • Problem

    Witam. Mam pytanie: Jak można sobie poradzić z plamkami na zębach ? Czy to brak jakiś minerałów ? Od lat używam markowych past, także tych drogich wybielających. Mimo to mam takie białe plamki na zębach, a nie chciałbym płacić 500 zł za wybielanie.

    Czekam na konkretną odpowiedź.

  • #2
    Wybielanie zmniejszy kontrast pomiędzy plamkami a kolorem zęba.


    • #3

      okay, so I know the basics of weight loss are not as complicated as people make it out to be. You need to simply change your diet to healthy whole foods, fruits and veggies and get plenty of exercise. This is hard to do for most of us because we are tempted with junk foods all the time. I love to give advice to people on how to lose weight. Am I in good shape? Hellz noo! I was 55 lbs overweight and 22 years old in college. I know all this stuff about losing weight, yet I cannot apply to myself. Why am I not strong enough to do this? I can barely resist eating. I love food so much. Taco bell, pizza, quesadillas, hot pockets, cola, the list goes on. It seems hopeless that I will ever be average weight. Bathing suit season is coming up, and I wanna look awesome and get just the right, most flattering bathing suit. I tried a diet pill named two months ago and I have lost 32 lbs, no appetite suppress. My mouth gets dry after I take the pill and I drink more water everyday then try to walk about 15-20 minutes, and it's what I can do right now without noticing bad side effects. And I am going to try later, and hopefully I can lose some more weight.

